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7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of The Secret

Thursday 20 August 2009

Is your door still open?

"I have a history of people closing doors and me saying "No, it's still open"
- Howard Schultz, Chairman, Starbucks

Howard Schultz, another example of a man who just would not Quit! Howard's idea for starbucks was rejected numerous times by many coffee bean companies, saying it simply wouldn't work. But his passion for his idea and dream was so powerful he never quit, even in the face of so much rejection.

Today Starbucks Coffee can be found at almost every corner of the world...

How often do we quit at the first rejection?

Think what we could achieve if we persisted and changed our perception of rejection to a positive one... Like Howard he saw each rejection as a step closer to realising his dream.

Don't Quit on your Dreams!

-- Post From My iPhone

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