a person can find every truth connected with his being, if he will dig
deep into the mine of his soul." - James Allen
"The classic book "Acres of Diamonds" is the story of a person who
sold his home and land to travel far and wide in search of diamonds,
only to die pennyless. As the story goes, the new owner discovered
diamonds on the very property that the old owner had ignored.
A lot of times I think we act the same way when we are trying to "Fix"
something in our life. Whether it's happiness or self-esteem or love
that we seek, many times we look outside to ourselves to find the
answer. We look to a spouse, a friend, a child or a parent to fill the
void. Perhaps we expect the answer to come from our pursuit of our
occupation or other interests. Or we expect a new home, a new car or a
new boat to satisfy our "hunger".
But, alas, like the poor farmer in Acres of Diamonds, our search comes
up empty handed. And just like the story, diamonds are waiting to be
discovered in our own back yard. As James Allen points out, the only
way to find the gold and diamonds is to "dig deep into the mine of the
soul". It is here, he says, that we will find EVERY TRUTH connected to
our being." - Vic Johnson
"The greatest source of unhappiness comes from inside." - Jim Rohn
(Conversely, thats also where the greatest (and only) source of true
happiness comes from. )
"Instead of searching far and wide, spend some time every day
searching inside. Instead of expecting something outside to fill you
up, learn to fill yourself from within. Make a commitment to read more
of the material that will help you discover who you are. Make a
descision to grow." - Vic Johnson
"What you become directly influences what you get." - Jim Rohn
And that's worth thinking about...
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