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7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of The Secret

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Life of meaning...

To create a life of meaning, fulfillment, and prosperity, you have to be open to questioning everything - especially deep seated beliefs that you feel strongly about. Pay particular attention to things that arouse your emotions. If you get really mad about something - then that is an issue that needs serious reflection on your part. Any mental health professional will tell you that when you react emotionally to an issue, something there threatens you and causes insecurity. We mirror things, and usually something that angers us most about another person is an issue we fear in ourselves.

When you do your self examination and critical thinking, ask yourself this question:

Am I holding on to a certain beliefs because they allow me to validate behaviour that is keeping me from my greatness?

That may be the most important question you ask yourself all year, so treat it with the reverence it deserves. God wants you to tap into all the greatness you have.

You were born to be healthy, happy, and prosperous.

Your health, happiness, relationships, financial situation, and intellegence will all be determined by the thoughts you give precedence to, the ideas you birth in your mind.

Build on your awareness of universal laws and expand your faith in your own innate good as well as the talents you are blessed with. The oppositional stuff will come, and it will come in great abundance. But know that it comes not at your expense, but at your expanse. Your faith in right outcomes is the only belief you need.

I believe that faith is a superhuman power we possess - a mind power with the ability to shape substance. The foundation for every work is an idea. Faith makes the idea real to you and your subconcious mind. It even makes it real to others. When others have faith in the thing you are doing, selling, or creating, they see it as worthy of their support. This creates the power of the mastermind and greatly expands your prosperity power.

God/Universe/Power does not grant your requests. Your prosperity and abundance have been provided for already. You need to claim what is yours.

Your prosperity is not tied to the economy, your job, your education, your boss, or your past. It is here, now, for you to manifest as you choose to. Every person on this planet - you included - deserves to experience abundance. You were born to be rich, healthy, and happy.

Now it is up to you to accept what is yours!

You can fight these premises and deny what is written above. You can find thousands who will support you to do this. From your minister to your newspaper editor, from your elected representatives to your best friend, they are lots if people who will tell you are the special victim of circumstances. They will seek to discredit the thoughts written above and validate the reasons for your lack of success and happiness. They will defend to the death your right to be dumb, sick and broke. And you can feel noble for being so.

Or you can take in the above and question it, along with your core foundational beliefs. You can sort through the issues, uncover the subconcious programming you didn't know was there and replace it with positive programming and empowering beliefs. You can actually develop a purpose in your life, and live by a philosophy which supports it. And choose to be smart healthy and rich.

What's it going to be?

- R. Gage