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7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of The Secret

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Achieving your Goals without the struggle, struggle, struggle....

Most people give the majority of their attention to whatever is happening in their experience right now - which means if the results please them, they feel good, but if the results do not please them, they feel bad. But that is really going about life the hard way. If you only have the ability to see what-is, then things cannot improve. You must find a way to look optimistically forward in order to achieve any improvement in your experience.

When you learn how to be deliberately focus your thoughts toward good-feeling things, it is not difficult to find happiness and maintain it even before your goal has been accomplished. The feeling of struggle happens because of the continual comparison of where you are right now in relationship to the goal you are reaching for. When you constantly take score, noticing the distance that still needs to be traveled, you amplify the distance, the task, and the effort; and that is why it feels like such an uphill struggle.

When you care about how you feel, and so choose thoughts on the basis of how they feel, you then develop patterns of thought that are more forward looking. And as the law of attraction then responds to those better feeling thoughts, you get more pleasing results. Struggle, struggle, struggle never leads to a happy ending. It defies LAW. "When I get there, then I'll be happy" is not a productive mind-set because unless you are happy, you cannot get there. When you decide to first be happy - THEN you will get there.

- Teachings of Abraham, Jerry & Esther Hicks

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone